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What's New? 2001

Recent News

Visit of Iijima-sensei and Nakagawa-sensei (2001.11.26): After the SGEPSS meeting (below) Prof. M. Iijima at Tohoku Univ and Prof. T. Nakagawa at Tohoku Institute of Technology exteneded their stay in Fukuoka to visit our lab and gave seminars on "plasma waves in the magnetosphere" and "magnetic structures in the solar wind".

SGEPSS fall 2001 (2001.11.22-25): The SGEPSS meeting, a Japanese version of the AGU meeting (isn't it a pity that we always describe it this way rather than writing its full name, Society of Geomagnetism and ...) was held in Hakozaki campus, Kyushu university. More descriptions (including photos) will be coming soon (hopefully).

Workshop on "Theory and Applications of Nonlinear Waves"(2001.11.14-16): This interesting workshop was conveniently held inside the Kasuga campus, so we all had a privilege of stopping by on an off to hear the talks we are interested in.

JST net-lab workshop(2001.10.11-12): Attended the JST net-lab meeting held in Chiba university, which is a collaboration effort between some twenty research groups in different universities and laboratories all over Japan, with the aim of sharing computer resources (programs, codes) for doing space and astro plasma simulations.

Frontiers in Plasma Sciences Workshop(2001.10.10-12): Three graduate students participated in the annual workshop on "Frontiers in Plasma Sciences" held in NIFS, Toki city.

Prof A. Pang's visit (2001.10.08): Prof. Alex Pang at Stanford University visited us and exchanged information on representation of data including uncertainty.

ISSS-6 (2001.9.3-8): Three graduate students participated in the ISSS-6 (The Sixth International School/Symposium for Space Plasma Simulations) held at the Max-Planck-Institut in Garching, Germany (travel report).

Prof. Vekstein's seminar(2001.04.12) Prof. Grigory Vekstein of Univ. Manchester Institute of Science and Technology visited us and gave a talk on "Correspondence between forced magnetic reconnection and Alfven resonances" (photo)

Shu gets married !(2001.03.31): This last day of Japanese academic year was also the happy day for the newly wed couple. Congratulations !! (photo)

Trip to Aso(2001.03.27-28): Mount Aso is perhaps the most famous active volcano in Japan. We had a two-day trip to visit Aso and its neighboring regions, before Bertrand leaves to his homeland. (travel report)

New year's resolution(2001.01.01): Being not only the beginning of a new year but also that of a new century, today is such a special day that we wish to make this year's resolution truly exceptional: that is why we are still in a process of choosing one. We hope to pick up the right one by the end of this year.

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